
Medical Advisory Board
Covid 19 Response
American Health
Dr. Stefan Muehlbauer is a member of American Health’s Medical Advisory Board focusing on Covid 19 response. He is well suited for this role as a founding partner of OnSite Medical Solutions. Further he currently serves as the Chairman of Emergency Medicine at St. Francis Hospital. Prior to this, Dr. Muehlbauer had been the Director of Emergency Department Infection Oversight, as well as a full time Emergency Medicine Physician at St. Francis. Dr. Muehlbauer has extensive and wide-ranging medical experience, having served as an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at North Shore University Hospital, where he was appointed to the core academic faculty, and also as the Emergency Medicine Clerkship Director and Emergency Department Sepsis Champion. Prior to that, he held an appointment to the academic faculty at Harvard Medical School, where he was an attending physician at Harvard affiliate hospitals, primarily Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Dr. Muehlbauer also held an appointment as a Basic Science Investigator at the Center for Vascular Biology Research at Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Muehlbauer received his medical degree at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where he was a fellow of the Medical Scientist Training Program, and earned a Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology, with a focus on infectious agents and virology. His doctoral research focused on the mechanism and role of cell death in septic shock and systemic inflammation, with a focus on bacterial toxins, virology and emerging pathogens. He completed his residency in Emergency Medicine at the Harvard Affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, where he was recognized with the clinical excellence award, the highest honor granted to a graduate of the program.
His publications have appeared in PLOS, The American Journal of Pathology, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Cell Cycle, and Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. Dr. Muehlbauer has lectured nationally and internationally. He is the author of the ‘Bugs and Drugs’ lecture series for Emergency Medicine residents and providers. Currently, Dr. Muehlbauer is a co-principle investigator in a randomized clinical trial on novel therapeutics for the outpatient treatment of COVID-19, and has co-authored a study in Clinical Cardiology, “Reduced cardiac function is associated with cardiac injury and mortality risk in hospitalized COVID-19 Patients”. Dr. Muehlbauer directed the emergency department response to COVID-19 at St. Francis Hospital, and has worked closely with regional leadership in an advisory capacity.