
John Halamka MD
Director Information Technology and Emergency Medicine
John Halamka MD is the Director Information Technology and Emergency Medicine for American Health.
John Halamka MD is the Director Information Technology and Emergency Medicine for American Health.
He is a practicing physician who was named President of May Clinic Platform. . The platform will elevate the company’s position within digital health care.
Most recently, Dr. Halamka was executive director of the Health Technology Exploration Center for Beth Israel Lahey Health in Massachusetts. Previously, he was Chief infonmation officer at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center for more than 20 years. He also was the International Healthcare Innovation Professor at Harvard Medical School. He remains chairman of New England Healthcare Exch1ange Network Inc. and is a practicing emergency medicine ph1ysician.
Dr. Halamka has a proven track record of success in innovation and value creation, His extensive experience and network will help power the company forward to benefit our patients and support a path for the future.