Military Medicine

The Emergency care center at King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh (KAMC) is widely recognized as the best Trauma Care Center in the Kindom of Saudi Arabia.
American Health has a program and offer training services for tactical combat casuality care and field medical evaluation. American Health provides the capability of translating this current expertise and knowledge from civilian practice to the military tactical and battlefield settings.
- Tactical Combat Casualty Care Course(C3)
- Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support(PHTLS). PHTLS 2 and half day course.
- Refresher course: 8 hour course for individuals who have successfully completed the Respective PHTLS provider course within the past four years
- Instructor Update: 4 hour course for current PHTLS instructors, coordinators or affiliates to be updated on all aspects of new edition text materials.
- Trauma first response : 8 hour course for emergency medical responders, police officers, fire fighters, rescue personnel and safety officers.
- Advanced Trauma Life Support(ATLS), ATLS is a 2 and half day course.
- Trauma nurse care course (TNCC). TNCC is a 2 to 2 and half day course
- Advanced Brun Life Support(ABLS)
- Advanced Hazmat Life Support (AHLS). AHLS program is a 16 hour, two day course.
- Burn Triage and Treatment/Acute Burn Care Course
- Troma Triage and Battlefield Course
- Ultra Sound in emergency & battlefield conditions
- Simulation in Military Medical Training